Thursday, December 26, 2013
Developing Successful Small Farm Enterprises Workshop
A workshop on “Developing Successful Small Farm Enterprises” will be held at the Middle Tennessee Research and Educational Center in Spring Hill, on February 11 and 12, 2014. Session will begin at 8:30 and end at 4:30 each day.
This workshop is designed for small acreage landowners and hobbyists who are considering a new agricultural enterprise or expanding their current operation.
Participants will learn how to best utilize their land and other agricultural resources. If you are looking to turn your small acreage into profits, make plan to attend this two-day workshop designed just for you.
The workshop topics will address issues such as marketing, soil fertility and suitability, high tunnel production, small flock poultry, USDA programs, vegetable and small fruit production.
Presenters will be county agents and specialists from University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University.
Each participant will receive a notebook and USB drive containing workshop presentations and resource materials.
The cost of the workshop series is $75.00 per person prior to February 1, 2014. Registration after that date is $85.00 per person. Pre-registration is required as enrollment is limited. The registration fee includes workshop materials, sessions and lunch each day.
For more information contact Calvin Bryant or Wendel Smith at Lawrence County Extension Office at 762-5506 or by email at