Friday, November 14, 2014
Kiwanis Club And Chamber Christmas Parade Celebrate 60 Years
Celebrate 60 years with the Lawrenceburg Kiwanis Club and the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade!
Come kick the Christmas season off with the 60th annual Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce Christmas parade on December 6th at 5:00 p.m.
The Kiwanis Club of Lawrenceburg will be this year’s grand marshal in honor of their 60th year of serving Lawrence County.
The Kiwanis Club of Lawrenceburg was founded in 1953, and they have been hard at work serving Lawrence County ever since, namely the children of our county.
Kiwanis supports great programs like the Child Advocacy Center, Ingram Sowell Elementary School, LCHS sports, and youth football. They hosted the 1978 and 1981 World Series in Lawrenceburg, and they give annual scholarships to help students achieve their future goals.
The Kiwanis Club of Lawrenceburg does so much to support our citizens, let’s show them our support on December 6th at the parade.
This year’s parade theme is “The Magic of Christmas”. Floats will be judged on the presentation of theme, the use of Christmas lights and music.
Cash awards are given for 1st and 2nd place in four categories: Commercial/Business, Youth/School Groups, Church, and Non-Profit Organizations. Sponsors are Boston, Holt, Sockwell & Durham, Evers Construction Company, First Farmers Bank, First Volunteer Bank, ISS, Inc., M3 Fire Apparatus, and ReMax Pros. Entries should have signs placed on both sides for viewing.
The judges booth will be located in front of the Historic Crockett Theatre; however, to keep the parade together, floats should pause for the judges no more than ten seconds.
For the safety of children, candy and/or other items are not allowed to be thrown from any float or entry, and this does include horses.
Only people walking along the side of the parade route near the crowd are allowed to distribute candy, drinks or any food items. Again this year, City Cleaners and Laundry will provide their parking lot for the Grand Marshal and Citizens of The Year to park and view the parade.
All motorcycle and ATV riders are required to wear a helmet, and horses are welcome but will be placed at the rear of the parade unless fitted with a manure bag.
Entries will line-up at 4:00 p.m., and the Chamber Ambassadors will be on the streets to assist with the lineup wearing the yellow safety vests in honor of the Kiwanis Club of Lawrenceburg who has assisted with the lineup for many years.
For convenience to parade entries, Parkes Lumber Company located on 2nd Street will be open with hot coffee and restroom facilities and also P.U.S.H Ministries on 4th Street will be open for parade entries.
Santa will arrive early and visit with children on the Lawrenceburg Public Square. Pictures with Santa are $3 and printed on site. Visit with Santa and enjoy light refreshments from 2-4p.m. in the lobby of the Lawrenceburg Municipal Complex.
Enjoy shopping with the downtown merchants and join Lawrenceburg Mayor Keith Durham as he kicks off the parade with the lighting of the City’s Christmas tree at 5:00 p.m.
To register your entry, call Beth at the Chamber 931-762-4911 by Monday Dec 1st. Both the Democrat Union and The Lawrence County Advocate will list the line-up.
For those who cannot attend the parade, enjoy watching it live online at, brought to you by Main Street Lawrenceburg and Barry Mashburn with LawrenceburgNow.