Thursday, November 14, 2013
Lawrenceburg Council Addresses Several Issues
Members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council met in regular session Thursday morning, addressing a number of business items.
During the meeting council members approved on second and final reading an ordinance to amend city codes governing the sale of alcoholic beverages. The ordinance would bring the hours during which beer may be sold back into line with county guidelines.
A second ordinance approved on second and final reading amends expenditures outlined under the city’s 2013-2014 fiscal year budget to reflect $2,000 in revenues received through a safety grant.
A third ordinance was approved in regards to public inspection of, access to, and duplication of public records pursuant to the Tennessee Public Records Act.
City Attorney Alan Betz explained that the measure is basically a housekeeping item. He said that the city already has in place a policy regarding public records.
Officials with the Municipal Technical Advisory Service had recommended that the policy be adopted by ordinance.
Members voted to appoint Curtis Peters as the city’s representative on the Senior Citizens Board with his term to expire June 30, 2014.
A resolution approved provides amendments to the inter-local agreement between city and county governments and the Lawrence County Emergency Communications District Board, “For the joint and cooperative operation and maintenance of a centralized emergency radio dispatch center (E-911).” Mayor Keith Durham said that the new agreement will allow the city to appoint three representatives to the board.
The agreement must also gain approval through the Lawrence County Board of Commissioners and the E-911 Board before becoming effective.