Wednesday, November 5, 2014
County Approves Capital Project Funds
Lawrence County leaders voted Monday evening to secure $3.5 million in funding to go toward several capital projects, including the purchase of sites for two new high schools.
Members of the Lawrence County Board of Commissioners met in special session to consider passage of the sole resolution.
County Executive and Chairman T. R. Williams said that the funds are to be used in the following manner:
*$280,000 - re-imbursement to the school system for engineering studies
*$200,000 - purchase of property in Team Lawrence Commerce Park (to provide rail access)
*$600,000 - purchase of land on which to construct two high schools
*$500,000 - school projects (roofs and other projects)
*$50,000 - health department roof
*$15,000 - renovations at health department
*$500,000 - road construction and equipment for highway department
*$100,000 - to resolve drainage issues at solid waste facility
*$75,000 - solid waste department roof
*$150,000 - repair capping on one of the solid waste fields
*$100,000 - capital improvements at the ambulance service
*$350,000 - building for investigative department of sheriff's department
*$234,000 - six new patrol cars
A couple of commissioners wished to defer action on the resolution until a "long term plan" could be drafted regarding the school building program. They suggested that the commission request a retainer and first right of refusal on the properties planned for purchase.
Commissioner Chris Jackson pointed out that the parcel of property on which leaders hope to construct a new Loretto High School may not be available past December 31 of this year. "That was really the only property owner that was willing to sign up for a deal at that time," he said. "I feel that if we let that deadline pass, that we would lose that property."
Jackson pointed out that the commission has already expended $480,000 toward the high school building projects and that purchasing the property is the "next logical step."
Commissioner Wayne Yocum told commissioners, "Sometime down the road the schools are going to need property somewhere and its going to cost us more in the long run...This is not money that's going to be wasted. It's adjacent to the current schools and I don't know of any property that would be better."
A motion to defer action on the resolution failed.
Commissioner Ronnie Benefield requested that the resolution be amended to include an additional $1.5 million. He recommended that the funds be obtained for the highway department in order to allow various highway improvements over the next four years. "These are longstanding issues," he pointed out, "That the county has either ignored or hasn't been able to fix."
Commissioners asked about the impact the increase would have. Budget Director Teresa Purcell pointed out that, although she did not have the figures for such an increase, "It would increase the payment and the principal and interest would go up."
Benefield's amendment failed to garner enough votes for passage.
In the end commissioners voted fourteen to three, with one absent, to approve the original resolution.
Jackson, who serves as chairman of the School Board Liaison Committee and Chairman Pro Tempore of the Commission, released the following statement regarding the passage of the bond issue:
"The purchase of these properties is a vital step in the school building plan. With the acquisition of this land, our county is committing itself to a better educational system that will provide equity to all students, give students the 21st century skills they need to succeed and produce the skilled workforce that will make our county more competitive in economic development.
"The passage of this bond is also vital as it will allow our county to make important improvements to our roads, facilities and other areas that will help make our county more attractive and competitive to economic development and improve our citizens' quality of life. We are not only responsibly addressing the issues currently before us, but we are also looking ahead and preparing for our future."