Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Wednesday Crime Report
A resident of Lonestar Road reported to deputies Tuesday that a diamond plate tool box and assorted hand tools had been stolen off his front porch. Also missing were a weed eater, sheet rock sander, assorted sheet rock and carpenter tools, and a stereo. Loss was placed at around $2,000.
Deputies were summoned to 49 Highway 20 on Tuesday in regards to a stolen vehicle. The owner reported he had left his Dodge Dakota truck at the repair shop Monday after it overheated. He said that he had wanted employees to transport the truck to the scrap yard. When he returned on Wednesday the truck was missing. The garage owner reported that the truck was not there when they opened that morning. Loss is around $300.
A resident of Shoally Branch Road reported to deputies that someone had stolen his prescription medication from his home. He was uncertain of the exact date of the theft and said several individuals had been to his home since he last saw the medication.
Officers were called to a Prosser Road home Tuesday after the resident discovered items had been stolen from his home. He reported that a television and cordless drill were missing along with PlayStation and Wii games. Loss was said to be in excess of $1,000.