Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Outdoor Classroom Project Is Dedicated To The Memory Of Mr. Johnny Eledge
David Crockett Elementary School is currently working on an outdoor classroom project that is dedicated to the memory of Mr. Johnny Eledge.
The construction of Johnny’s Way has begun and plans are underway for teachers of David Crockett Elementary to be able to utilize the outdoor classroom to instruct numerous standards.
Mr. Eledge was a long time educator, friend, and mentor to many in Lawrence County and especially the David Crockett Elementary family.
An outdoor classroom was a long time dream of his and due to his sudden passing of a massive heart attack, he was not able to see this through.
After years of fundraising efforts the school was finally able to construct the outdoor classroom building.
Johnny’s Way is now at the point of adding tables, plants, planters, landscaping stones, and other educational material for which the school is seeking financial support or donations of material.
At this time the project is the number one priority of the David Crockett Elementary School family and it would be a great accomplishment to see this project completed in Mr. Eledge’s memory.
The family of Johnny Eledge recently made a contribution to Johnny’s Way to kick-off current fundraising efforts.
For questions and donations contact Heather Smith, DCES Teacher, at , 762-2288, or 762-5954.