Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Check For Student Loan Is Stolen From Mailbox
A Lawrenceburg woman told authorities Monday that someone had stolen from her mailbox, a check she had been mailing for her daughter’s student loan payment.
The victim reported to Lawrenceburg Police Officers that, forgetting that it was a holiday Monday, she had placed the payment in her mailbox around 6:30 a.m. for pickup by her mail carrier. She said she was unable to locate it when she checked around 8:00 a.m.
The victim told officers that the check, in the amount of $78.76, was written to Sally Mae Student Loans.
The victim reported that this was not the first suspicious incident she has experienced recently. She said that she had noticed things in her back yard had been moved around, as well as suspicious activity in the area.
The victim said her banking institution had already been contacted about the matter.