Monday, October 6, 2014
Gobble Announces Candidacy For City Council Seat II
Political announcement submitted by Barry Gobble
I, Barry Gobble, am officially announcing my candidacy for seat II on the Lawrenceburg City Council. The general election is Tuesday, November 4th and early voting begins October 15.
I am a 1989 graduate of Lawrence County High School, and a full-time student pursuing the goal of becoming an attorney. I am not a "good ol' boy," a professional politician, or a "yes man."
I'm indebted to no one, and have always worked hard in my daily life to treat everyone equally. This is a quality I promise will remain with me if I'm elected to office.
Have our city and county governments done enough to make the changes our community needs? I believe most people would say no, if the recent election of 2014 if new County Commissioners and a new County Executive is any indication.
Where do changes need to be made? There are many ways wasteful spending can be cut in every department of the City. In some, new equipment should be purchased rather than continuing costly repairs on the old.
It might be as easy as making sure every light is turned off at our ballparks at night, or as difficult as choosing not to buy a property we can ill afford. I also believe our city streets and right-of-ways should be in better repair.
Too many are a patchwork of half-filled potholes and poorly repaired trenches cut by utility crews. If quality of life issues are important to us, then the streets we travel on should be a top priority.
My estimate is that about 65% of our residents drive out of Lawrence County for work. Industrial recruitment is important, but isn't the whole answer. We have good industries here that we need to support. We should promote our county's attractions and heritage to visitors, and shop with local merchants.
Many of our problems simply call for common sense answers, and those are often in short supply in every level of government. I promise to aggressively pursue those solutions and work as hard as I can for this community.
This is the where my parents grew up, I grew up, and my children grew up. I want my children - now in college and high school - to be proud of where they came from, and be proud to raise their own families here