Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Grant Funds Awarded For Purchase Of Property Adjacent To Team Lawrence Commerce Park
County officials reported Monday that grant funds have been awarded that will allow the purchase of property for the expansion of Team Lawrence Commerce Park.
During the regular bi-monthly business meeting of the Lawrence County Board of Commissioners, members voted to approve the actions of the Economic Development Corporation of Lawrence County (EDCLC) in securing the grant funds, and to give assurance of funding. The property to be acquired will provide the park with railway access.
Members of EDCLC had worked to secure grant funds through the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The total cost of the purchase would be $400,000.
Half of the funds, $200,000, would be obtained through the TVA grant, leaving a local match of $200,000. County Attorney Charlie Holt explained that the resolution passed by EDCLC members was contingent upon the local funding.
Commissioner Chris Jackson, a member of the county commission’s Economic and Community Development Committee, issued a statement about the project, saying, "I am very excited about the opportunity our county has to purchase this vital piece of property at a discounted price.
County Government is committed to being progressive and trying to create opportunity for our citizens and this grant will help us do just that.
This move will also signify a more proactive approach to economic development than we have had in the past. In order to create good paying jobs for our citizens, we must stay progressive, aggressive and competitive at all times."