Monday, September 29, 2014
Report Of Crash Leads To Public Intoxication Charge
Police officers who were initially dispatched on a report of an automobile crash Wednesday soon discovered that the call actually stemmed from the actions of an intoxicated driver.
Reports filed through the Lawrenceburg Police Department show that officers were dispatched around 4:30 p.m. to a location on North Locust Avenue.
The caller had reported a collision with injuries. When they arrived, however, officers reported that they were unable to locate a crash.
Shortly afterwards officers were advised that the red Dodge truck that had been involved was actually in a nearby parking lot, the driver slumped over the steering wheel.
Officers located the vehicle. They report that the driver had driven over the curb. When emergency medical personnel questioned the driver about injuries, he reportedly told them that, “He was not hurt, he was drunk.” He allegedly told officers that he had been drinking beer and whiskey.
The driver, Timothy Joel Shankweiler, age 21, of 165 Piney Road, was arrested on charges of public intoxication and transported to the Lawrence County Detention Center without incident.
Bond was set at $500 and an initial appearance in General Sessions Court was scheduled for November 4, 2014.