Driver faces charges after hitting pedestrian
A driver is facing charges after striking a pedestrian in the parking lot at Walmart on Monday.
Lawrenceburg Police officers were dispatched to the scene after witnesses reported a woman had been hit by a vehicle and was limping around in the parking lot. The victim was able to show officers the vehicle and driver that struck her.
She said that the driver hit her and knocked her to the ground, and that she was experiencing pain in her neck.
Reports show that the driver was Billy Warren Spurgeon, a seventy-one year old resident of Buffalo Road.
He said that he had made a turn and didn't have enough time to stop before he hit the woman's shopping cart.
While they were investigating the incident, officers learned that Spurgeon's driver's license had been revoked, he had no insurance, and he had been declared a habitual motor vehicle offender.
He was subsequently arrested and transported to the Lawrence County Jail where he was booked under charges of being a habitual motor vehicle offender and driving on a revoked license. He was also cited for violating the state insurance law.
Spurgeon was jailed under a $20,000 bond with an initial court date set for October 4th