School System In Need Of Foster Grandparents
Officials overseeing the South Central Human Resources Agency’s (SCHRA) Foster Grandparent Program have announced that the program is great need of participants.
Foster grandparent volunteers work within the Lawrence County School System, assisting teachers by reading to students, and overseeing other activities.
Individuals interested in volunteering must be sixty years of age, meet income guidelines, and have a desire to work with the county’s youngsters.
In exchange for their service, foster grandparents receive a meal for each day served, transportation or mileage reimbursement, compensation in the form of a stipend that does not affect any benefits currently received, and an annual physical.
Anyone who might be interested in becoming involved in Lawrence County’s Foster Grandparent program should contact Recruiter Linda Aldridge at SCHRA, 931-762-7863 or 931-703-3322.