Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Suspect Named In LCHS Arson
Officials close to the investigation into the source of a fire that caused damage inside the Lawrence County High School Library Friday night indicate that a suspect has already been identified.
The fire, which was ignited on a desktop inside the library, was discovered around 7:30 p.m., around the time the annual LCHS/Loretto High School game was slated to begin.
Fire Inspector Shayne Adams with the Lawrenceburg Fire Department indicated that LCHS School Resource Officer Chad Dorning was inside the school at the time, along with Deputy John Akins. Someone pulled the fire alarm, alerting Dorning and Akins to the fire. They quickly located the blaze and extinguished it before members of the Lawrenceburg Fire Department arrived on the scene.
. Damages were kept to a minimum, confined to the desktop. The library did, however, sustain heavy smoke damages.
Charges in the case are expected to be forthcoming in the near future.