Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Motorist Reports Run-In With Impaired Driver
A motorist traveling south along Locust Avenue late last week reported to authorities that she was narrowly avoided a collision with an impaired driver.
The forty-three-year-old victim told Lawrenceburg Police Officers that she had been driving in the Dunn community when the driver of a white 1986 Dodge truck started to pass her, then instead veered toward her vehicle.
The woman told officers that in order to avoid colliding with the vehicle, she was forced to veer into the on-coming traffic lane.
Both motorists stopped and began to argue. The victim told officers that she could “smell alcohol” on the breath of both vehicle occupants. The argument, she said, continued for a brief time, then the other driver left.
The victim was able to provide officers with the license plate number of the offending driver. Investigation into the matter is on-going.