Monday, August 26, 2013
Refrigerator Found Busted In Roadway
A Summertown resident speculated that someone may have made an attempt to steal her refrigerator when it was found busted up and blocking a roadway Sunday morning.
The Buffalo Road resident told deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department that she had placed the refrigerator in her front yard and was attempting to sell it.
Deputies were called to investigate debris in the roadway and found skid marks showing that a refrigerator had been struck by a vehicle, destroyed, and pushed into a ditch. The victim said that it had been sitting atop an embankment prior to the incident.
The victim told deputies that she had been targeted by vandals just a few days prior when she set some furniture into her yard to sell. She said that someone had set the furniture afire.
Detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division are continuing to investigate the both incidents.