Thursday, August 22, 2013
Airport Grant Funds Will Be Used To Construct Hangars, Improve Drainage
State Senator Joey Hensley reports that grant funds recently awarded to the local airport have been designated for use in construction and improvement projects.
Hensley indicates that three different grants administered through the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s Division of Aeronautics have been awarded to the Lawrenceburg-Lawrence County Airport. Factoring in local matching funds, he said the grants total $985,000.
Hensley says that one of the grants has been awarded for the construction of hangars at the airport. The federal grant dollars awarded for that project total $436,500. Under the terms of the grant, state and local governments are required to provide matching funds of $24,250 apiece.
A second grant has been awarded for site preparation associated with another project. That grant is funded by the state and totals $460,750, and requires a $24,250 local match.
A third grant, funded by the state, has been awarded in the amount of $14,250. These funds are earmarked for use in needed drainage improvements. It requires a local match of $750.