Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Phone Call Reveals Burglary
A Loretto woman told law enforcement officials Saturday evening that she discovered her home had been burglarized after receiving an anonymous telephone call.
The resident of 107 Saint Mary’s Road reported that she received a telephone call around 11:30 p.m. from a female caller, asking to speak with her husband.
The victim reported to Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies that the woman told her she needed to speak with her husband about their chain saw. She indicated that some individuals were “fixing to get rid of it,” and that she was “going to try and keep it in her mother’s shed.” The caller then hung up.
The victim told deputies that the chain saw belonged to her father, so she called him. Afterwards she summoned deputies to her home.
While waiting for them to arrive, the victim said she looked around, discovering that the door to her pantry had been pried open.
The Stihl chainsaw is valued at $500. Damages, also, were estimated to total $500.
The case remains under investigation through the department’s Criminal Investigation Division at the present time.