Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Lawrenceburg Board To Advertise Building For Sale
Lawrenceburg leaders have decided to forego the city’s typical practice regarding the sale of city-owned property in the hopes of obtaining the highest possible price for a former industry location.
The plan was formulated during a meeting of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners last week.
During the board’s August 16 meeting, the board was discussing the passage of a resolution that would allow for the sale of the former Southeast Manufacturing Building on McDowell Street. The aging city-owned structure, Lawrenceburg Mayor Keith Durham pointed out, is somewhat in a state of decline, and “is becoming more of a liability.”
The board discussed selling the building under the city’s typical practice, which would include advertising the sale in twice in local newspapers, then accepting sealed bids. The bids would then be opened after ten days.
Commissioner Robin Williams, a property assessor, suggested that the board take a somewhat different approach. “I would like to advertise it a little longer so that we can get the highest bid possible,” Williams commented. Williams pointed out that under normal market conditions property generally takes three to six months to sell. He recommended that the board advertise the sale locally for a period of one month.
The board agreed to advertise the sale for four consecutive weeks, scheduling the bid opening for 5:30 p.m. – just prior to the commission’s September 20 meeting.