Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ethridge Commission Gives Initial Approval To 2011-12 Budget
Members of the board that governs the City of Ethridge approved a budget plan Monday, under which that city will operate throughout the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
The budget ordinance, approved on first reading, calls for an estimated $266,669 in expenditures. The ordinance must be approved on second and final reading before becoming effective.
An overview of the spending plan is as follows:
General Fund
Estimated Revenues
Local taxes $180,000
State of Tennessee $92,470
Federal government 0
Other sources $64,420
Total estimated revenues $336,890
Estimated Expenditures
Salaries $55,208
Other costs $198,178
Total estimated expenditures $253,386
State Street Aid Fund
Estimated Revenues
State of Tennessee $14,400
Others sources _____0
Total estimated revenues $14,400
Estimated Expenditures
Salaries $5,000
Other costs $8,283
Total estimated expenditures $13,283