Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Commissioner Jackson Solicits Public's Input Through Survey
County Commissioner Chris Jackson, who represents the Loretto area, is conducting a community survey to help gauge the public's opinion on issues facing the county.
"I feel that in order to better represent the people of the 2nd District and our county, it is vital that I have a good idea of where they stand on the issues of the day.
County government has limited avenues compared to the state and federal government in terms of ways to communicate with the public, so I thought creating a community survey would be a quick, easy and effective way to gauge the public's opinion," Jackson said.
The surveys will be available at the Mustang Country Cafe in Loretto for the next couple of weeks and can also be completed online at
All in person surveys must be turned in at the cash register at the Cafe as each participant will be included in a drawing for a free dinner from the Cafe.