Thursday, August 11, 2011
City May Receive Grant For Road Upgrades In Industrial Park
Lawrenceburg Mayor Keith Durham said Thursday that the city is expected to receive grant funds to pay for road improvements in its industrial park.
During a business meeting Thursday morning, members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council approved a resolution, allowing the city to apply for $500,000 in distressed county funds through the Appalachian Regional Commission.
Durham said, if received, the funds will be used for roadway improvements to better accommodate tractor trailer truck traffic in the Lawrenceburg Industrial Park.
The streets targeted for improvement are Remke Avenue and Helton Drive. Durham indicated a third lane will be added in order to provide easier access to industries in the area.
Cost estimates for the entire project total $625,000. If grant funds are received, the city would then be responsible for the remaining $125,000.
Durham told council members Thursday that it is his understanding that the city has already been approved for the grant.