Thursday, July 28, 2011
Lawrenceburg Leaders Give First Approval To New Budget
Leaders with the City of Lawrenceburg gave first approval Thursday to the financial plan under which the city will operate throughout the 2011-2012 fiscal year.
Projections were made utilizing the same property tax rate as last year, which is $1.4234 per $100 of assessed value.
The budget ordinance was approved on first reading during a meeting of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council Thursday morning. A public hearing as well as second and final reading is expected to be held during the council’s August 11 meeting.
An overview of the budget is as follows:
Anticipated Revenues
General Fund
Local taxes $4,687,806
Fines and forfeitures $330,718
Miscellaneous revenue $5, 512,543
Fund balance $2,221,735
Total available funds $12,752,802
Sanitation Fund
Miscellaneous revenue $1,078,480
Fund balance $219,395
Total available funds $1,297,875
State Street Aid Fund
Miscellaneous revenue $343,712
Fund balance $290,761
Total available funds $643,473
Drug Fund
Miscellaneous revenue $87,500
Fund balance $55,596
Total available funds $143,096
Mimosa Cemetery
Miscellaneous revenue $4,350
Fund balance $102,093
Total available funds $106,443
Disaster Fund
Miscellaneous revenue $200,000
Fund balance $199,461
Total available funds $399,461
Anticipated Expenditures
General Fund
City Attorney $35,049
Board of Mayor & Council $158,321
HR/Safety $6,025
Planning & Development $62,949
Administrative $662,296
Police $2,712,338
Fire $2,374,423
Emergency Management $314,850
Public Works $2,007,084
Parks & Recreation $788,799
Retirees $345,440
Annual appropriations $891,014
Debt service $1,036,568
Total appropriations $11,395,157
Sanitation Fund
Sanitation $1,057,597
Total appropriations $1,057,597
State Street Aid Fund
Streets $351,416
Total appropriations $351,416
Drug Fund
Police $87,500
Total appropriations $87,500
Mimosa Cemetery
Cemetery $14,950
Total appropriations $14,950
Disaster Fund
Disaster Fund $322,449
Total appropriations $322,449