Monday, July 27, 2009
Sex Offender Registry Violation Results In Arrest
A Lawrenceburg man was arrested late last week after authorities confirmed that he was in violation of the requirements of the state’s Sex Offender Registry law.
Officials with the Lawrenceburg Police Department were asked to look into the matter Friday by agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal Intelligence Unit. They informed local authorities that resident David March Gable, age 42, had failed to register, as required, since his release from prison.
Officers were able to confirm that Gable had been convicted of the crime of incest on July 25, 1995. He was released from the custody of the Tennessee Department of Corrections in 2007. State law requires that, “An offender who is incarcerated in this state in a local, state or federal jail or a private penal institution shall, within forty-eight hours prior to the offender's release, register or report in person, completing and signing a TBI registration form, under penalty of perjury…” The law also requires that, “within forty-eight hours of establishing or changing a primary or secondary residence, establishing a physical presence at a particular location, becoming employed or practicing a vocation or becoming a student in this state, the offender shall register or report in person…”
Officers report they made their way to Gabel’s home at 321 Jackson Street shortly before 5:30 p.m. Friday. Gabel was placed under arrest on one count of violation of the Sex Offender Registry, then transported to the Lawrence County Jail without incident.
Gabel is scheduled to answer the charge through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on Friday, August 7, 2009.