Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Evaluation Of Lawrence County Director Of Schools
Every year the Board Members of Lawrence County Schools are required to complete an in-depth performance evaluation of the Director of Schools.
Scoring of eight standards is compiled using the summary ratings of 4 Outstanding, 3 Excellent, 2 Good, 1 Needs Improvement, and 0 Unacceptable.
This year, Director of Schools, Dr. Bill Heath’s evaluation rendered an average score of Excellent or Above on all eight standards with having an outstanding evaluation in 2 different areas.
The standards include the following: Standard 1 Leadership and District Culture, Standard 2 Policy and Governance, Standard 3 Communications and Community Relations, Standard 4 Organizational Management, Standard 5 Curriculum Planning Development, Standard 6 Instructional Leadership, Standard 7 Human Resources Management, and Standard 8 Values and Ethics of Leadership.
The first area of Outstanding scoring Dr. Heath received was in Standard 2 Policy and Governance.
This standard includes working with the board to formulate internal and external district policy, defining mutual expectations of performance with the board and demonstrating good school governance to staff, students, and the community at large.
Standard 4 Organizational Management is an additional area of Outstanding scoring for the current director of schools which requires the director to gather and analyze data for decision-making and for making recommendations to the board.
It stresses the skills necessary to meet internal and external customer expectations and to effectively allocate resources.
Having a median score of a 3.5 (between Excellent and Outstanding) were the standards of Instructional Leadership, Curriculum Planning Development, and Leadership and District Culture.
Standard 6 Instructional Leadership emphasizes the skills required to ensure that the most effective teaching techniques are in place and that all instructional resources are used to maximize student achievement.
Dr. Heath also received a score between Excellent and Outstanding in the area of Standard 1 Leadership and District Culture which stresses the director of school’s performance in leadership through empowering others, visioning, helping shape school culture and climate, and understanding multicultural and ethnic differences.
In addition Dr. Heath received a median score of 3.5 (between Excellent and Outstanding) in Standard 5 Curriculum and Planning Development which tests the Director of Schools’ skills in keeping current with the latest curriculum, teaching, learning and testing theories and also requires the director to recommend learning technologies.
Dr. Bill Heath, Director of Schools received a median score of 3 (Excellent) in Standard 3 Communications and Community Relations which emphasizes the skills necessary to establish effective two-way communications not only with students, staff, and parents but also with the community as a whole, including beneficial relationships with the media.
It also includes responding to community feedback and building community support for the district. Also receiving an Excellent median score in Standard 7 Human Resources Management, Dr. Bill Heath has demonstrated first-rate skills in developing and implementing a staff performance-evaluation system.
The final standard finding Dr. Heath with a median score of 3 (Excellent), Values and Ethics of Leadership, stresses the understanding and modeling of appropriate value systems, ethics and moral leadership.
In responding to the evaluation, Dr. Heath replied, “It is a pleasure to work for a Board of Education that has high expectations and provides open and honest feedback regarding performance.”