Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fire Ignited At Iron City Park Pavilion
Emergency personnel made their way to the Iron City Park late Tuesday after someone ignited a fire at one of the pavilions.
The emergency call sounded shortly before 10:00 p.m., sending firefighters and law enforcement officers to the scene.
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department report that members of the Iron City Fire Department had managed to extinguish the blaze before they arrived at the location.
Firefighters reported a resident noticed the flames, set off the fire whistle and awaited their arrival. He had left the scene by the time deputies arrived and they were unable to obtain a complete statement.
Deputies noted that all the light bulbs had been busted out in both pavilions. The culprit had piled garbage and a tire inside the pavilion, then set it on fire.
Damages were limited to several charred areas, with no major structural damage. Monetary damages were estimated at $500.