Monday, July 12, 2010
Couple Involved In Domestic Dispute After Husband Throws Cat
A West Point woman reported to law enforcement officials Sunday that she and her husband had become involved in a physical confrontation after he became angry and threw the cat out of the house.
The victim, age 47, told deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department that she and her husband had begun arguing shortly before 9:30 p.m. after he “threw the cat outside.” She stated that as the argument progressed she asked for her purse and keys, but that her husband refused to give them to her.
The victim stated that she picked up the telephone to summon neighbors to the residence, but that the act further angered her husband. He allegedly “yanked” the phone line from the wall and took it away from her.
The victim told deputies she then made her way to the car in order to retrieve her purse. She said her husband climbed into the car, started the engine, then began to move it while she was “hanging halfway out the back door.” He reportedly stopped the car in the roadway.
At this point, the victim said she went back inside the house and into the bathroom in order to call for help on her cell phone. She told deputies her husband pushed his way inside and took her phone away. When she attempted to get another telephone, she said he took it away as well and threw it onto the roadway. She told deputies she had been afraid he was going to hurt her.
When deputies spoke with the husband, he indicated he had become angry when he found that the cat had “messed up the inside of the drier,” and that he had thrown it out. He admitted he had “tried to take her phone away” but said his wife had struck him in the back of the head during the ruckus. He stated that it was his own telephone he had thrown into the roadway, and denied his wife had been “hanging out the back door when he moved the car.”
Deputies report they could find no sign that the man had been assaulted. As a result of the investigation the husband, Jack Edward Beckett, 44, was arrested on charges of domestic assault and domestic vandalism. He is scheduled for an initial appearance through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on August 2, 2010.