Monday, July 11, 2011
Victim Reports She Was Assaulted By Neighbors
A criminal investigation was initiated Sunday after a resident of Smith Avenue reported she had been assaulted by her neighbors.
The victim, age 32, told Lawrenceburg Police officers she had gone into her yard to take photos of an area near her wooden privacy fence where she had poured concrete. While snapping the photos, the woman said her male neighbor came out of her house, yelling and ordering her off his property. The property line, she said, was inset six inches from her side of the fence.
The victim told officers she ignored the tirade and continued taking photos. She said that the man left briefly, then returned wielding a shovel like a weapon. The act, she said, placed her in fear for her safety.
She reported that momentarily the female resident joined the fracas. She said while yelling, the woman snatched the camera from her hand, then punched her in the right jaw.
Although she indicated her injuries were not serious, officers report they did photograph them.
Reports show the couple had already left before officers arrived on the scene.
Investigation into the matter is continuing at this point, and charges may be forthcoming.