Thursday, July 10, 2008
Rematch Planned For City Vs County Blood Drive
Officials with the Lawrence County Chapter of the American Red Cross have called for a rematch to last year’s Lawrence County versus City of Lawrenceburg blood drive, and they urge local citizens to join the competition.
Red Cross Representative Linda Duck addressed the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council during a business meeting Thursday morning, saying that the rematch has been scheduled for a special date – 9/11.
During last year’s drive, Duck pointed out that the city team won by only one donor. This year, she said, who knows? Either side could tip the scales in their favor.
While in the past it has been said that only 60% of the population is eligible to give blood, Duck pointed out that a new study estimates that number to now total only 38%. While many donors are deferred for a variety of reasons, lowering the numbers of potential donors, she explains that “Today’s blood supply is safe than ever!”
Keeping in mind that every two minutes someone in the United States needs blood, Duck stated that of that 38% of potential donors who are eligible to donate blood up to eight times per year, only 8% donate – and 65% of those donors donate only once per year.
In order to participate in the city/county blood drive, individuals are asked to sign up in advance. (Anyone wishing to donate blood is eligible to participate in the drive -- it is not limited to city and county employees!) Red Cross officials ask that participants sign up by the deadline of August 8, 2008. This will allow the Red Cross to judge the amount of staffing needed for the event. Duck also pointed out that individuals may book appointments, as well.
In addition, Duck explained that many have misconceptions where blood donation is concerned. For example, she stated that taking high blood pressure does not automatically disqualify an individual. If you are interested in becoming a donor she suggests that you allow a Red Cross representative to determine whether or not you are eligible.
The blood drive is scheduled for noon until 6:00 p.m. on August 8, 2008, at the Lawrenceburg City Administration Building.