Thursday, July 9, 2009
Council Tables Handgun Resolution
Members of the governing board of the City of Lawrenceburg opted not to hold a vote Thursday on a resolution calling for the prohibition of handguns inside local public areas.
When members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners met in regular session Thursday morning, a resolution did appear on the agenda for consideration that sought, “to prohibit handguns in public municipal parks, natural areas, historic parks, nature trails, campgrounds, forests, greenways, waterways, or other similar public places.” When the matter was to be brought up for a vote, however, Mayor Keith Durham requested that the resolution be tabled for the time being.
The resolution was drafted in response to a new state law that allows those possessing a handgun permit to carry weapons inside state parks, as well as in local parks if not expressly prohibited by local governments.
When making the motion to table, Durham explained that he felt taking the action might be overstepping the authority of city government. “I believe it may even violate our Second Amendment rights,” he added. “If we have out of state visitors here camping or enjoying activities, I don’t see any reason to prohibit them from carrying a handgun, so long as they have a permit.”
Council members did vote to table the resolution. They made plans to discuss the matter further during a work session planned for 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2009.