Monday, July 6, 2009
LPD Seeking Grant For Video Camera Systems
Officials with the Lawrenceburg Police Department are hoping to receive more than $13,000 in grant funds so that a portion of the department’s cruiser fleet may be outfitted with new video camera systems, and the public is invited to comment on the matter.
Lawrenceburg Police Chief Judy Moore has announced that grant proposals are being submitted on the department’s behalf, seeking some $13,454.00 through the Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrn Memorial Grant Program.
Moore explains, “Currently, the department has some vehicles which do not have camera systems. The cameras will allow the department to provide video and audio evidence from drug interdiction cases, DUI cases and other traffic offenses. It will also allow the department to utilize the cameras for training purposes of new officers and to investigate citizen complaints about officers.”
Moore invites any citizens who wish to comment on the grant to contact her, or Assistant Police Chief Darrin Goolsby, at 762-2276.