Monday, July 6, 2009
Bus Route May Open By End Of July
Officials with Anchor Trailways & Tour have announced that a Tuscumbia-to-Nashville bus route planned to run through Lawrence County, may be up and running by the end of the month.
Company officials have been working on the project for the better part of a year, applying for federal grant monies geared toward connecting communities across the country. The company was successful in obtaining a portion of the five year funding, and has since been working toward establishing the local service.
The grant allocation is allowing the company to establish service from the Tuscumbia Terminal to Nashville, with various stops in between. Officials indicate that the route has now been identified. On weekdays two buses per day will leave Tuscumbia; one at 3:30 a.m., the second at 8:30 a.m. Each bus will make stops in Florence, St. Joseph, Loretto, Lawrenceburg, Columbia, and Franklin before heading for various locations in Nashville. Company officials report that a stop is tentatively being planned in the Ethridge area, as well, in an effort to provide more convenient service for the area’s Amish residents.
The buses will begin their return journeys to Tuscumbia at 2:30 and 9:00 p.m., respectively. Officials estimate that the one-way journey will take just over three hours. On both Saturdays and Sundays only one route will be provided.
Officials indicate that new buses have already been purchased for the route. They have been delivered to the Nashville Terminal where they are currently being outfitted with wireless internet, electrical hookups, and satellite television. Drivers have also been hired and are currently undergoing training.
Company officials plan to begin service on the new route on July 27, 2009. Anyone who needs additional information may visit the website, which officials say will be up and running in the next few weeks. Also, tickets may be purchased via the website.