Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Lawrenceburg Man Assaulted During Home Invasion
A Lawrenceburg man sustained serious injuries when masked man, possibly armed with a baseball bat and toy guns, invaded his home Saturday evening and began beating him.
When Lawrenceburg Police Officers arrived at the Old Florence Road home Saturday night, they report that the victim was sitting in the front yard. They indicate that he was bleeding from the head and face area, and that he appeared to be confused and dazed.
Officers report that the victim sat in the yard while they entered the home to check on his wife and to ensure that none of his attackers was still inside. They found the victim’s wife, who is disabled, lying in their bed. The victim was then quickly transported by ambulance to Crockett Hospital for emergency medical treatment.
Officers report finding blood on the wheelchair ramp, front porch, and throughout the living room. They found bloody shoe impressions scattered about, including one on the back of a broken guitar lying near the front door. Broken items were strewn about and officers report finding a discarded baseball bat, along with pieces of two toy guns.
The wife told officers that she had heard her husband’s cries, but due to her physical condition had been unable to get out of bed to help him. She stated that she heard items breaking, and that her husband yelled to her that he was being assaulted by men who were larger than he.
Officers made their way to the emergency room to determine whether the bloody shoe prints at the scene matched the victim’s shoes. They discovered that they were not a match.
While there, officers report that the victim stated “there were two men in masks who came in through the front door and assaulted him.” He told officers that he was unsure what they used to strike him repeatedly.
Investigation into the matter is continuing at the present time by detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division.