Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Arrestee Damages Patrol Car
A man taken into custody by local law enforcement officials overnight Monday faces numerous charges after placing several individuals in fear for their safety, vandalizing his rented home, and kicking a window out of a City of Lawrenceburg police car.
Phillip Thomas Daniel, 27, of 517 Third Street, was booked through the Lawrence County Jail on three counts of domestic assault, one count of vandalism, domestic vandalism and disorderly conduct following the 8:00 p.m. incident.
Daniel’s roommate notified the landlord that Daniel had been drinking and was causing damage to the home. Lawrenceburg Police Officers were then summoned to the scene on a report of a domestic incident involving firearms.
When they arrived they found three men standing outside. They found that windows were busted out of the home and indicate they could hear someone yelling inside.
Officers were joined at the scene by Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies. They used a public address system to order Daniel to put down any weapons and exit the home with his hands up, however he failed to comply. They then approached the home with caution and made entry.
Officers indicate they found Daniel lying on the floor; his hands empty. He was handcuffed and a sweep of the home conducted.
Officers report Daniel began to curse them and resist arrest. When he was placed in the back of a patrol car, they indicate he kicked out a window. He “was then placed in a hobble restraint” and transported to the jail.
Inside, the home had sustained damages to windows and walls. Total damages to the home and patrol car were estimated to be $1,100.
Daniel is slated to answer the charges against him through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on September 2, 2010.