Thursday, June 27, 2013
Animal Welfare League Rep Requests Notifications From Dog Pound
A representative of the Lawrence County Animal Welfare League addressed Lawrenceburg leaders on Thursday, pointing out shortcomings at the dog pound and requesting that members be notified of various animal situations.
League representative Jessica Yokely addressed the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council during their bi-monthly business meeting Thursday morning.
Yokley provided council members with a packet of information and photographs of various animal cases worked by league members in recent months. She said that in some abuse cases they had requested that animal abuse charges be filed against the owners, but that police officers had declined to do so.
She asserted that the number of animals euthanized at the city’s dog pound was greater than officials have said. She told council members that at times, conditions at the pound were not what they should be.
In addition, she said that individuals interested in adopting animals from the pound have reported bad experiences regarding the manner in which they were treated.
Yokley provided photographs of several of the league’s success stories. She said that in order to save most of the dogs, the league had expended considerable funds.
She pointed out, “I know that the city can’t afford these costly medical bills,” but requested that league members be notified when an animal requires more attention than the pound’s limited funding will allow. “We’re standing here saying we will do it and we will do it at no charge,” she said.
Mayor Keith Durham thanked Yokley for her efforts and said, “As we make improvements to our pound we will consider what you have brought to us.”