Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Five Locals Questioned In Columbia Stabbing
Five Lawrence County residents were taken in for questioning early Sunday after having been involved in an incident in neighboring Maury County that resulted in a man being “gutted.”
Local authorities were issued a “Be On the LookOut” (BOLO) alert shortly after the stabbing occurred, warning local law enforcement officials to watch for a blue Cadillac registered to a forty-five-year-old resident of Mattoxtown Road.
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department made their way to the home and report that the vehicle, followed by another, pulled up to the home approximately five minutes later.
The driver was detained, along with his two sons, ages 21 and 23, and a female subject, age 22. In addition, Columbia authorities requested they contact another male subject, age 21, who was with the group at the time of the stabbing. All five were taken to the sheriff’s department around 4:00 a.m. to meet with Columbia law enforcement officials. They were then transported back to Columbia to give statements regarding the night’s events.
The father told detectives that he and the others had been in Columbia when the victim, an Hispanic male, had “come at his son with a broken beer bottle.” All five reported that the man had “charged” them, wielding the broken bottle. The father reported that he had pulled out his knife and stabbed the man in order to defend his son. The knife was taken into evidence during the interview.
Information forwarded early Sunday indicated that the victim “has been gutted,” and that the investigation, “could possibly turn into a homicide.”
Detective Joey Gideon, who is heading up the investigation, said Tuesday that the victim, “Was cut open pretty badly.” Gideon indicated that he had underwent surgery and is recuperating at the current time, but that he has been “uncooperative” regarding the investigation.
Gideon indicated that, to-date, no charges have been filed in connection with the incident.