Monday, June 21, 2010
Lawrenceburg Council To Meet Thursday Morning
Members of the Lawrenceburg City Council meet in regular session Thursday morning to consider rather lengthy list of business items
A list of resolutions that appear on this week’s agenda are as follows:
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to enter into a contract with Sports Turf Solutions for the reconstruction of two soccer fields.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to enter into an amendment to the contract in lieu of performance bond as it relates to the proper operation and closure/post closure
of the City of Lawrenceburg Demolition Landfill, registration number DML 50-0024.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to enter into a contract with Tony’s Lawn Care to mow Mimosa Cemetery.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to reappoint members Pat Hudgins, Jim Bush and Steve Frisbie to the Lawrenceburg/Lawrence County Airport Board and to re-establish staggered terms of said members.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to appoint Jerry Jones to the Board of Public Utilities.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to reappoint Bid Lindsey as the City of Lawrenceburg representative on the Senior Citizens Board.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to reappoint John Hoover and Randy Shook to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
*A resolution for the Board of Mayor and Council of the City of Lawrenceburg to authorize the purchase of five time clocks and software from Central Time Systems, Inc.
*A resolution for the City of Lawrenceburg to convey property located on Voss Street to Jeff White.
The meeting, which is open to the public, is slated to get underway at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, June 24, 2010, inside the commission meeting room of the Lawrenceburg City Administration Building on West Gaines Street.