Monday, June 20, 2011
Ten Year Crime Trends Issued By TBI
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation recently compiled a study on the last ten years of crime statistics in Tennessee as reported by agencies across the state through the Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System (TIBRS).
The TBI’s Crime Statistics Unit has been publishing reports from the collected crime data since 2001 with this year marking the ten year anniversary for issuing studies.
The report provides a ten year review of Group A offenses, Group B Offenses as well as crimes against persons, property and society.
The report shows mixed results of certain categories of crime increasing and certain categories decreasing over the ten year period with violent crime being at its lowest level in ten years after hitting its highest level in 2007.
Group A offenses include 47 offense types such as murder, sex offenses, assaults, burglaries and drug/narcotic violations.
Group B offenses contain 11 offenses including DUI, liquor law violations, trespassing and disorderly conduct.
Specific information for violent crimes, credit card fraud, impersonation, drug/narcotic violations, DUI, domestic violence, hate crime and law enforcement officers killed or assaulted in the line of duty is also included.
Ten Year Crime Trends Quick Facts
To view “Ten Year Crime Trends 2001-2011” in its entirety, go to the TBI website at Click on Tennessee Crime Statistics from the homepage for a link to the Statistical Analysis Center web page.
The report is listed under “Specialized Reports.” The most recently reported crime statistics can also be accessed at