Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Sheriffs Department Renovations Draw To A Close
Employees of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department are preparing to undertake the process of packing and moving equipment back into their newly-renovated office space.
The administrative offices have been under renovation since the completion of the new jail. Since that time the offices have been temporarily housed in the first floor area of the courthouse; in office space formerly occupied by county departments that were moved into the county’s Administrative Center.
Once the sheriff’s department has settled back into their facility, renovation will get underway on the first floor area of the courthouse. These offices will eventually be occupied by court-related departments such as the Circuit Court Clerk and General Sessions Court personnel.
Chief Deputy Terry Beecham said Wednesday, “We’d like to express our gratitude to (Circuit Court Clerk) Debbie Riddle for allowing us to occupy this space. If we hadn’t had this space to utilize, we would have literally had to close down the sheriff’s department.”
Inspection of the facility by the State Fire Marshalls Office is slated for Thursday. If approval is given, Beecham said they expect to begin the move on Friday, and be completely back into their own space by July 1.