Thursday, June 14, 2007
Insurance Rep Advises City Not To Construct Skate Park
A representative of the City of Lawrenceburg’s insurance group has advised city leaders against constructing a skate park for area youngsters.
Chester Darden, a representative of the Tennessee Municipal League’s (TML) Risk Management Pool addressed the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Commissioners during their bi-monthly business meeting last week.
Darden had been asked by board members to advise them regarding the possible construction of a skate park. City leaders have been approached about the project by concerned parents, who indicate they wish to provide a safe environment in which their youngsters may participate in skating/skateboarding activities.
While TML does insure parks and skateboard parks, Darden explained that, should the city construct such a facility, they city would take on considerable additional liability.
Darden cited studies that concluded that between 70 and 80% of accidents at playgrounds were the result of falls. This number is even greater, he explained, at skate parks.
In addition to liability risks, Darden pointed out that a city-owned skate park would require a considerable financial investment. He estimated construction of such a park would cost the city a minimum of $40,000. Costs associated with the design and construction of the facility aside, Darden pointed out that the city would also incur costs associated with supervision, training, etc. Facilities would also need to be inspected on a daily basis.
Darden recommended that, should commissioners wish to provide support in connection with the project, they lease property to a group or organization willing to take on the responsibility.
Commissioner Butch Morrow inquired about the city’s liability should a skater take a spill on city-owned property. Darden pointed out that in such an instance, the city would be held liable for any injuries.
“Should we have an ordinance prohibiting skating on city property, then have the police department enforce it?” Morrow asked.
Darden answered, “Yes sir you should.” He added, “I’d rather have ten swimming pools that one skate park.”