Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Customer Returns Counterfeit Bill To Business
Officials with one local business requested that a criminal investigation be initiated Sunday after a customer returned a counterfeit bill to them.
Reports filed through the Lawrenceburg Police Department show that officers spoke with store officials at Walmart, 2130 North Locust Avenue, Sunday afternoon.
One official said that the customer had returned shortly prior. She told them that she had attempted to spend a $10 bill at Little Caesar’s Pizza after having left Walmart only to discover it was counterfeit.
The customer reported that she had received the bill as change while using one of their Self Checkout stations. The store official told officers that the money in those particular stations comes directly from the bank, bypassing any in-store scrutiny. Reports show that the bill appeared to be real, but failed to pass a marker test.
Although she did not know the customer’s name, the store official said that she was reimbursed.
The counterfeit was taken into evidence in the on-going investigation