Thursday, June 10, 2010
Thieves Steal Gas While Resident Mows Grass
A resident of the Five Points area summoned law enforcement officials to his home Wednesday, reporting that someone had stolen his gasoline while he was cutting the grass.
The resident of 178 Gamble Road indicated he had been mowing the grass, when around 4:30 p.m. he discovered his red, five-gallon gas can was missing. He told deputies the container had been filled with gasoline and was sitting in the back of his truck.
The reporting officer indicates that while he was leaving the premises he located the gas can lying in a ditch, across from the residence. It was scraped along one side, he reports, as if someone had tossed it across the pavement.
The resident told deputies this was the second time his property had been robbed during the past week. On Sunday, he reports that someone stole a feed trough from his feed lot. Total loss was estimated to be $175.00.
The matter has been turned over for continued investigation by detectives with the department’s Criminal Investigation Division.