Monday, June 9, 2008
Dad Pulls Gun On Son
Law enforcement officials were summoned to initiate an investigation during the weekend after a father allegedly pulled a gun on his son when the younger man refused to clean his room.
Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to intervene in the family squabble at 371 Pondfield Road around midnight Sunday. The parents of the son, age 29, were at the home when they arrived.
They told deputies that their son had refused to clean his room, and that the father had then retrieved a gun “due to past incidents when the son hit him.”
The mother told deputies that her husband had make threats to throw their son out, should he fail to clean his room. She stated that her son had left earlier on a four wheeler. He was not present at the time reports were filed.
The matter remains under investigation at the current time through the department’s Criminal Investigation Division.