Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Officers Build Case Against Brothers In Weekend Crime Spree
Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies were kept on the go during the weekend investigating numerous crimes that allegedly involved the same two brothers.
As a result of the weekend investigations, the suspects, James Noble, 24, and Trevour Harcrow, both of 153 Gore Road, were charged with crimes that include aggravated burglary, theft of property, and telephone harassment.
Deputies had been dispatched several times regarding a spree of telephone harassment complaints. Officers with the Lawrenceburg Police Department became involved in the case when a similar complaint was filed by residents of Whippoorwill Drive. There, officers were able to listen to recorded messages left on the residents’ answering system. They report that in the recordings Noble made threats to burn the victims’ home down, blow up the police station, and even threatened the life of one of the victims.
Deputies were dispatched to investigate a burglary at 54 Kilburn Road shortly before 4:00 p.m. Friday involving the same suspects. The resident reported he had left the home at 11:00 a.m. and that all doors were locked. When he returned around 3:00 p.m. he discovered the rear door had been unlocked, although no damage was incurred. Missing from the home was a .22 caliber rifle, 12 gauge shotgun, and a bag of coins. Total value was approximately $608.
A neighbor reported seeing Harcrow and a companion walking toward the home around 1:00 p.m.
While they were questioning Noble about the crime, he allegedly admitted he and his half brother, Harcrow, had gone to the Kilburn Road residence “to use the telephone.” He stated that Harcrow had used a credit card to break in through the front door. He alleged that it was Harcrow who went inside, returning with the firearms and coins. He told deputies that they left, walking to Beech Grove Baptist Church, located at 380 Mt. Lebanon Road.
According to Noble, Harcrow hid the firearms in the woods near the church. He accompanied deputies to the location, however they were unable to locate the items. When they spoke with the burglary victim he reported he had spoken with Harcrow, who had told him where to find the guns. He stated that he then went to the location and recovered his property.
While interviewing Harcrow about the burglary, he reportedly stated that Noble had “stood watch” while he broke into the home.
Around 9:00 a.m. Monday a church member summoned deputies to Beech Grove Baptist Church after he discovered a front glass door had been busted out. The vandalism left an estimated loss of $550.
Investigation in the crimes is continuing at the current time. Additional charges are anticipated against the pair.