Thursday, May 29, 2008
Commission Gives First Approval To Wheel Tax Increase
When members of the Lawrence County Board of Commissioners met in regular session this week, they voted to approve doubling the existing wheel tax in order to fund proposed school and road projects.
Board members are looking at the tax increase as a means of funding much-needed projects. Should the increase gain approval, it would increase the wheel tax for all Lawrence County residents from the current $25 per year per vehicle, to $50 per year per vehicle.
During the meeting Tuesday evening, the matter passed on first reading, with five commissioners casting “nay” votes. The measure must be approved on second reading by a 2/3 majority. It is expected to appear on the agenda for the commission’s July meeting.
At that point, voters would be able to call for a referendum on the matter by gaining signatures of ten percent of the registered voters on petitions.