Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Rail From Trestle Dropped Onto Roadway By Vandals
Authorities were summoned to investigate on Sunday after a passersby found that a rail from a train trestle had been dropped onto Walker Road.
Deputies with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department were called to the location at around 12:30 a.m. They found a 100 foot section of metal railing blocking the roadway.
Deputies report that the person or persons responsible apparently climbed to the top of the trestle and maneuvered the railing out of the concrete holes, then pushed it over the edge and onto the roadway.
Deputies report that the rail was bent during the incident. It was too heavy to move, so officials with Tennessee Southern Railroad Company were called to the scene. They were able to cut the railing into smaller, movable sections and remove them from the roadway.
Investigation in the matter is continuing at the current time.