Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Business Targeted By Burglars
A Lawrenceburg business was targeted by burglars last week, resulting in a considerable loss for owners.
Officers with the Lawrenceburg Police Department were called to Pops Bait Shop on West Gaines Street around 6:55 a.m. after an employee discovered that the back door glass had been shattered and entry made.
Reports show that the perpetrator damaged the cash register, taking the change inside. A bar was brought in from the outside of the store and used it to pry open the safe, which was bolted to the floor beneath a counter. Missing from inside were six money bags containing around $2,000.
Officers were able to obtain shoe prints at the scene. They report that the right gloves were missing from two pairs of gloves.
Total loss and damages were estimated to total $3,350.
Anyone who has information about the crime is encouraged to contact the department at 931-762-2276.