Thursday, May 12, 2011
Two Indicted On Homicide Charge
Two Lawrence County residents were recently arrested after having been indicted by a Lawrence County Grand Jury in connection with the death of a local teenager.
Terry Lee Story, 45, and Melanie Delene Bennett, 40, both of Lawrenceburg, were arrested at the first of the month on one count each of criminally negligent homicide.
Investigators with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department opted not to release the name of the teen.
They report, however, that they were notified by the boy’s family members in February of 2010 that he was hospitalized in the wake of a morphine overdose.
At that time the teen was a patient at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville where he was listed in critical condition. He later died as a result of the overdose.
Officials report that investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragedy revealed that the teen had been in the company of Story and Bennett at the time the overdose occurred.
Authorities allege that the teen became ill after taking morphine, and that the pair failed to obtain medical attention for him in a timely manner, resulting in his death.
Both Story and Bennett have been arraigned in Lawrence County Circuit Court on the homicide charge. Both are now awaiting trial.