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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Lawrenceburg Council Will Meet Thursday Morning
Members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council will meet in regular session Thursday morning to consider a number of items of business.
A public hearing is scheduled to take place during the meeting, allowing area residents an opportunity to express any concerns regarding a proposed zoning change. The ordinance, slated for consideration on second and final reading, calls for the zoning change for property situated at the corner of Fourth Street and First Avenue, owned by Kathy Pollock.
Resolutions on the agenda include the following:
*A resolution of the board of mayor and council of the city of Lawrenceburg to declare certain property in the Administration Department as surplus to be with funds from sale to be placed in General Fund set aside for the annual Liberty Days Festival. This is to make the “Tara House” surplus so it can be sold.
*Interlocal agreement for the joint and cooperative funding of the position for director of information technology between Lawrence County and the City of Lawrenceburg
Joint IT agreement.
*A resolution for the city of Lawrenceburg to enter into lease agreement with Buffalo River Services for the property located at W.O. Smith Street. This is the annual renewal of contract for use of the building for Buffalo River Services.
*A resolution authorizing the City of Lawrenceburg to enter into grant agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (assistance id no. xp-95418509-0) to affirm the award in the amount of $433,708.00 toward the purchase of four box culverts for the flood prevention program. These are the monies EMA Director Joe Baxter has been explaining we would receive to help complete the Flood Project.
*A resolution authorizing the City of Lawrenceburg to apply for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for the 2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to purchase a 2009 pumper vehicle. This allows an opportunity to purchase a new fire fighting apparatus worth $332,500.00 with a cost to the city of $17,500.00 – Fire Chief Don Kelly says this is one of the programs scheduled to be cut by the President.
*A resolution authorizing the City of Lawrenceburg to apply for a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant for the 2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grant to purchase equipment. This resolution will allow an opportunity to purchase fire fighting equipment worth $88,498.00 with the city share of $4,657.75 – Again this program is scheduled to be cut by the President.
The meeting, which is open to the public, is slated to get underway at 8:30 a.m. Thursday, May 14, 2009, inside the commission meeting room of the Lawrenceburg City Administration Building on West Gaines Street.