Monday, May 10, 2010
Donations Accepted For Byron Mark Wright Memorial Scholarship
As the end of the 2009-2010 school year approaches and seniors throughout the area prepare for graduation, many anticipate the awarding of scholarships to assist them in their collegiate pursuits. With this in mind, friends and family members associated with the Byron Mark Wright Memorial Scholarship would like to offer residents an opportunity to donate to this worthy cause.
A 2006 graduate of Lawrence County High School, Byron’s life was cut short mere weeks later when he was struck by a vehicle while attempting to cross U.S. Highway 64 near Deerfield Baptist Church.
His aunt, Lisa Steele, writes: Thursday, May 13, 2010 Byron would be celebrating his 23rd birthday and planning his college graduation. Byron had received a full freshman year scholarship to the University of North Alabama when his life ended tragically just weeks before he would be able to begin his college life experience. On July 9th, it will be four years that Bryon has been gone.
Byron was an active member of Deerfield Baptist Church and its youth group. He loved being a part of the church’s World Changers group. His MySpace page reflects the Christian he was. Just six days before he died he wrote the following words:
Hey Everyone,
I just got back from Casper, WY a few hours ago and I had the most awesome time ever at World Changers. I worked all week on painting a house, putting siding on the house, and putting in windows. I also met a lot of new people and made lots of friends from all over like OK, TX, and MI. But we also worshiped the Lord which was so totally AWESOME. I had a SUPER GREAT TIME!!!
Friends and family continue to post to his MySpace web site, which remains as he left it.
In Byron’s memory, a memorial scholarship fund was established at Deerfield Baptist Church. The scholarship has been very successful. Last year Caleb Slater and Patrick Augustine were the selected recipients. In previous years, the following were awarded scholarships: Carmen Shannon, Katie Hill, Rob Augustine, Matthew Dixon, and Tyler Hill. All of these young adults were friends and Sunday school classmates of Byron.
Byron was the son of Ronnie and Angie Wright of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee and the brother of Brittney Wright Hood of Tuscumbia, Alabama. In addition to them, he left behind grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who all loved him very much and miss his smiles and hugs. They would like to extend a special thanks to all who have already made donations in his memory, as well as for all future donations. Byron would be so proud!
Contributions to the Byron Mark Wright Memorial Scholarship fund may be mailed to: Deerfield Baptist Church, c/o Byron M. Wright Scholarship Fund, #3 Paul Orton Road, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. Please make checks payable to: Deerfield Baptist Church, c/o Byron M. Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund.