Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bush Hog Runs Over Mattoxtown Road Resident
Emergency personnel rushed to the scene on Mattoxtown Road Tuesday morning after a resident was run over by a his tractor while working with a bush hog.
The emergency call went out around 9:30 a.m. after the victim was able to telephone a friend. He indicated he had been run over by the tractor and needed help.
Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies reported that when they arrived on the scene members of the Lawrence County Ambulance Service were already administering medical aid.
According to reports the accident occurred while the victim, Jeffrey Lee Taylor, 44, of 1077 Mattoxtown Road, was attempting to connect the bush hog to the tractor.
Deputies report Taylor sustained injury to his left leg and ankle. He was transported by ambulance to Maury Regional Medical Center in Columbia.